Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Change

I know my blog has been about sports but I think I am going to change that now. In this post I am going to talk about how most people thing man is generally good and that bugs me because I dont think that is ture. My bible tells that man is not "generally good" beacause of sin. I know I dont need the bible to tell you that.
You hear of killings and gangs every day. A personial ex of that is one time I was walking in the dark down a busy street and it was along walk and not one person even stoped and asked if I was alright or if I needed a ride.
So you cant tell me that man generally good. You hear of moms killing there kids for no real reason and lots of other things that dont make man generally good. People starting wars for no reason or just to say were better than you.
I dont even need to tell you about fightin to say that man is not generally good. I can say In the USA eveyone is doing what ever to make themselfs look good or get themselfs more money its like all we are doing is raceing to get the most power or money and for the most part if anyone gets in your way we just run them over.
so if you are one of the people that think man is generally good really think about us, war, power, and money and how people act when they get those things than tell me that man is generally good.


  1. Travis,

    I agree that all people are capable of evil. I also believe that almost all people have a limited ability to distinguish between good and evil. Most people see themselves as good and try to justify their actions--even those that hurt others--based on set of circumstances only they can perceive. Survival instincts are hard to overcome, and most of the evil and injustice in the world is a result of it--of people's desire to preserve or improve their status in life.

    The solution seems to be for people to acknowledge their own flaws and not to fixate on everyone else's shortcomings. Rather than sitting in judgement of others, we need to judge ourselves. We also need to not focus as much on own survival but more on the needs of our fellow human beings. If everyone did that, then everyone's needs would be fulfilled and most of the evil in the world would disappear.

    Nice post...

  2. Silence the violence! Release the Peace!
