Tuesday, September 14, 2010

my story

Hi my name is Travis Whitcher. I was born and raised right here in Springfield, Missouri. Even though I have been a Christian most of my life, I’m not from a Christian home. My neighborhood was known by a lot of people even the cops, it was known as one of the worst in the city of Springfield. They came to call it “The Haller.” My family is not saved and even in my own home I see Drugs, fights and other things. My mom and dad have done drugs and because of that I know two of my brothers have done drugs at one point. I still live at home and my brothers just the other day looked at me and told me if he wanted to throw away his life he could do it and I need to leave him alone. My brother is now 20 years old and since he was he was 17 he had spend about a week in jail and he has a GPS on him and he will have to wear that for the rest of his life. Almost everyone in my family does some type of drug from beer of even pot. Don’t get me wrong I love my family very much I’m just showing you where God bought me out of But, even through all the sin I was still asked to come to Hillside Baptist Church.
I continued to go to church for about a year. Then I had heard about VBS and they asked me if I wanted to go, and I said yeah. So I went to VBS for four days and they kept telling me about Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross for my sins and how we should come to know him as our Saviour. But I still didn’t do anything about it.
On Thursday the speaker was talking about Jesus and what he did for me. It was then when I realize that I was a sinner, and I needed Christ but I still did nothing. When I got home that night I went to the park that was next to my house, and I started thinking about everything that the speaker had said at VBS that night. With tears in my eyes I got down on my knees and I asked Christ to forgive me of my sins and to come into my heart.
I did not have a sudden change in my life, but there was a change. When I became a sophomore in high school that’s when God began to really work in my life. He called me to be a missionary. I wanted to do what he wanted me to do.
Now that I’m here at BBC I still live at and I hear what my family talk about how they don’t think I should be here and they say things like why would he spend his life doing something for God. It’s so hard to see them in their sin everyday and not say something but I know I can’t just tell them what they’re doing is wrong because they see me every day and they know the things I do wrong so it’s hard but I know God will be with me and I trust through my prayers and my testimony they will come to know Christ.
It doesn’t matter what background your from you can always come to Christ and get through the hard times God is bigger than all my problems and bigger than yours. just let God work in your life.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time changes things

wow about two years ago I sat this blog up and I havnt been on here in about a year and a half and man have a changed I am a 2nd year student at a Bible Collage and I'm my way to do the work of God and my lord Jesus Christ. I'm sure now that I found the girl of my deams and the one that God would have me to spend my life with. I sat this blog up beacause my high school teacher wanted us to use this for the class and to write about things we do in class but now I want to do this then I just did it because I had to. Then all I talked about was sports now I really never talk about sports. man how time really changes!